Dr. Jessica Mitchell

Announcing New Selective

Dear College of Naturopathic Medicine Students,

We are launching an exciting new selective this fall. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, PSYC 6940, will be an experiential course that will teach students the tools of MBSR. Students will learn techniques in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction that they can incorporate into their lives to improve their well-being. The Course Description and Course Format are included below. Please contact Dr. Jonas to ask questions including known scheduling conflicts (m.jonas@sonoran.edu).

Course Description

This highly experiential, group process based, psychoeducational course guides motivates learners through an in-depth exploration of coping with emotional stress, psychological injury, pain conditions and chronic illness using the patented, evidence-based principles and tools of MBSR©, specifically developed for use in healthcare settings around the world. This uniquely immersive and trauma-sensitive curriculum promotes lasting health changes in participants, which extends to the people they serve, by incrementally building both formal and informal mindfulness habits designed to be used in daily life and encouraging the embodiment of course concepts through direct experience. Upon completion of this course, participants will have the tools needed to independently develop and continue their own personalized, unguided, MBSR© practice as well as resources for ongoing support as desired. The skills and concepts emphasized in this course extend far beyond the classroom and may contribute to increased compassion and sense of belonging, improved emotional regulation, wiser choices, healthier relationships and/or enhanced overall well-being throughout the lifespan. This course is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced learners and may be repeated as desired.

Course Format and Summary

This 10-week course takes place virtually on a live zoom platform. Demonstration of an on-camera presence and full participation is expected at every class meeting. There are 9 weekly meetings (approximately 2.5 hours in length) held at the regularly scheduled time and one all-day silent retreat (6 hours) during Week 7, which will be scheduled on a Saturday from 9am-3pm. Throughout this course, there is an emphasis on learning mindfulness concepts through direct experience and nurturing personal mindfulness and self-care practices at home. This course requires a significant commitment of 45-60 minutes of home practice each day, supported by individual reflection, group sharing and dialogue, guided classroom activities and brief didactic presentations. The long-term habit changes and positive health outcomes associated with MBSR© is largely due to its intensive, immersive pedagogy. Building resilience to the daily stress and overwhelm that can eventually make us sick requires an overhaul in how we habitually perceive and respond to the world around us. Creating new thought patterns in the brain requires daily practice as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Prior to starting this course, a confidential survey and brief private meeting with the instructor is required to assess each participant’s goals, concerns and preparedness. At this meeting, the instructor may offer additional support to increase the likelihood of a positive experience. In rare cases, the instructor may request that a participant postpone this course until certain conditions are met to better support their safety and well-being.


Jessica Mitchell, N.D.
College of Naturopathic Medicine

Sonoran | Dr. Jessica Mitchell